Saturday, May 11, 2024

Every Wrestlecrap Induction by Art0Donnell (so far)

Apartment Wrestling: The induction too alabaster for WrestleCrap!

A while back, I inducted Sports Review Wrestling's long-running apartment wrestling feature to WrestleCrap. Unfortunately, its risqué subject matter got it flagged by Google, so we took it off the site. But now, after some creative edits you'll hardly even noticed, it's back online!

Shortly after Sports Review Wrestling’s debut publication in 1972, the magazine began covering not just the professional wrestling, but a different sort of wrestling altogether. This women-only genre was “an athletic event — the newest and most popular sporting craze in America — known simply as Apartment Wrestling.” And by the end of the decade it had become “the symbol of the 1970s.”

Not just a symbol, but the symbol.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Art's Raw reviews return!

On Sunday, August 7th, my first Raw review in six years comes to WrestleCrap. 

Check WrestleCrap every other Sunday for a new review. And of course, I will continue to post a new induction every other Thursday.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Raw #204 - April 7th, 1997

Mankind’s flash-paper fireball attack on the Undertaker from last week is this week’s cold opening, complete with dramatic music and slow motion. Tonight, Vince says that Shawn Michaels is going to “get a load off his chest.” Whose load it is remains unclear. Owen Hart and the British Bulldog come to the ring with their respective flags to wrestle a non-title tag team match. Owen Hart grabs the mic and praises his brother Bret for filling his family with love, then calls the audience, “haters”, years before the word would be run into the ground by social media.